Roy Xie Small Image

Duke University

I am a Computer Science Ph.D. student at Duke University, advised by Bhuwan Dhingra. I research language models from an adversarial perspective. My recent work focuses on developing evaluation strategies and attacks to assess the robustness and limitations of LLMs.

My research is supported by the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Previously, I completed my undergraduate degree at George Mason University, where I worked with Antonios Anastasopoulos on multilingual NLP.

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My research interests span various aspects of natural language processing and machine learning, focusing on building safe, interpretable, and robust language technologies for social good.

Publication Image
Roy Xie, Junlin Wang, Ruomin Huang, Minxing Zhang, Rong Ge, Jian Pei, Neil Gong, Bhuwan Dhingra
Preprint, 2024
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Roy Xie, Chengxuan Huang, Junlin Wang, Bhuwan Dhingra
Preprint, 2024
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Junlin Wang*, Tianyi Yang*, Roy Xie, Bhuwan Dhingra
ACL Findings, 2024
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Rickard Stureborg, Sanxing Chen, Roy Xie, Aayushi Kunjal Patel, Christopher Li, Chloe Zhu, Tingnan Hu, Jun Yang, Bhuwan Dhingra
NAACL Findings, 2024
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Roy Xie, Orevaoghene Ahia, Yulia Tsvetkov, Antonios Anastasopoulos
NAACL, 2024
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Md Mahfuz Ibn Alam, Roy Xie, Fahim Faisal, Antonios Anastasopoulos
SemEval@ACL, 2023
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Roy Xie, Antonios Anastasopoulos
EACL Findings, 2023


Reviewer: ACL Rolling Review

Organizing Committee: MASC-SLL 2023